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计算机专业英语 - 中国高校教材图书网
作 者:戚文静、李晓峰、刘学、李国文
用 途:大学本科教材
中 图: 信息与知识传播
专 业:计算机/网络
制 品:图书
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书名: 计算机专业英语
ISBN:9787302511298 条码:
作者: 戚文静、李晓峰、刘学、李国文  相关图书 装订:平装
印次:1-1 开本:大32开
定价: ¥59.00  折扣价:¥56.05
折扣:0.95 节省了2.95元
出版社: 清华大学出版社 页数:
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出版日期: 2019-05-01
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本书从计算机科学各个领域的最新教材、专著、论文、百科等英文素材中选择各分支学科的基本概念、方法及最新发展等内容,涵盖计算机硬件、软件、数据库、网络、信息安全、人工智能、机器学习、人机交互、量子计算、大数据、云计算等领域的基础理论和应用,内容具有基础性、趣味性、广泛性和知识性。读者通过阅读和学习本书,能够掌握大量的英文专业术语、熟悉常用的语法和句式表达方法,提高读者在计算机科学相关领域的英语应用能力。同时本书精心选择的内容还可帮助读者丰富计算机学科知识、拓展科学研究视野。   本书可作为普通高等学校计算机科学与技术、网络工程、软件工程及相关专业的英语教材或计算机导论课程的双语教材,也可作为从事相关行业的科研与工程技术人员的参考用书。

Chapter1 Introduction of Computer Science 1
1.1 History of Computer Science 1
1.2 Areas of Computer Science 4
1.2.1 Theoretical Computer Science 4
1.2.2 Applied Computer Science 6
1.3 Is Computer Science Science? 7
1.3.1 Common Understandings of Science 7
1.3.2 Internal Disagreement 10
1.3.3 Computer Science Thrives on Relationships 10
1.3.4 Validating Computer Science Claims 11
1.4 The Future of Computer Science 12
1.4.1 Introduction 12
1.4.2 Innovative Research Projects 14
1.4.3 Theoretical Foundation 17
1.4.4 An Interview 18
1.5 Key Terms and Review Questions 22
References 25
Chapter2 Computer Architecture and Networks 27
2.1 Introduction 27
2.1.1 Computer Architecture 27
2.1.2 Design Goals 28
2.2 Computer System 29
2.2.1 Hardware 29
2.2.2 Software 31
2.3 Computer Networking 33
2.3.1 Network Hardware 34
2.3.2 Network Protocols 35
2.3.3 Internet and TCP/IP 37
2.4 Wireless Network 40
2.4.1 Wireless LAN Networking Basics 40
2.4.2 Mobile Network 41
2.4.3 Wireless Sensor Network 42
2.5 Key Terms and Review Questions 46
References 51
Chapter3 Operating System 52
3.1 Definition and Function 52
3.1.1 What is Operating System? 52
3.1.2 Functions of Operating System 53
3.1.3 Types of Operating Systems 55
3.2 Tasks of an Operating System 57
3.2.1 Processor Management 57
3.2.2 Process Management 59
3.2.3 Memory and Storage Management 60
3.2.4 Device Management 61
3.2.5 Application Interface 62
3.2.6 User Interface 63
3.3 Examples of Popular Modern Operating Systems 65
3.3.1 UNIX and UNIX-like Operating Systems 65
3.3.2 Microsoft Windows 67
3.4 Comparison of Windows and UNIX Environments 69
3.5 Key Terms and Review Questions 82
References 84
Chapter4 Algorithms, Data Structures and Software Engineering 86
4.1 Algorithm 86
4.1.1 Introduction 86
4.1.2 Definition of Algorithms 87
4.1.3 Specifying Algorithms 89
4.1.4 Examples — Sorting Algorithms 90
4.1.5 Algorithm Analysis 98
4.2 Data Structures 100
4.2.1 Definition 100
4.2.2 Types of Data Structure 102
4.3 Programming 106
4.3.1 Evolution of Programming Language 106
4.3.2 Basic Components and Structure of a Program 107
4.3.3 Object-oriented Programming 112
4.4 Software Engineering 116
4.4.1 Life Cycle of Software 116
4.4.2 Software Development Models 118
4.4.3 Software Quality Characteristics 121
4.5 Key Terms and Review Questions 123
References 127
Chapter 5 Databases and Information Retrieval 129
5.1 Database System 129
5.1.1 Database 129
5.1.2 Relational Database 130
5.1.3 Database Management System 133
5.1.4 SQL 135
5.2 Information Retrieval 136
5.2.1 Introduction 136
5.2.2 An Example of Information Retrieval 138
5.2.3 Open Source IR System 143
5.2.4 Performance Measure 144
5.3 Web Search Basics 145
5.3.1 Background and History 145
5.3.2 Web Search Features 147
5.3.3 Web Crawling and Indexes 150
5.4 Key Terms and Review Questions 152
References 155
Chapter 6 Artificial Intelligence 156
6.1 Introduction 156
6.1.1 History of AI 156
6.1.2 Research Branches of AI 157
6.2 Turing Test 161
6.2.1 Introduction 161
6.2.2 Alan Turing 161
6.2.3 Inception of the Turing Test 162
6.2.4 Problems/Difficulties with the Turing Test 163
6.2.5 The Current State of the Turing Test 165
6.2.6 Artificial Intelligence Computer System Passes Visual Turing Test 166
6.3 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 168
6.3.1 How to Represent Knowledge 168
6.3.2 Representation 169
6.3.3 Reasoning about Knowledge 170
6.3.4 KBS 170
6.3.5 MYCIN—A Case Study 172
6.4 Case-based Reasoning 173
6.4.1 Introduction 173
6.4.2 Fundamental of Case-based Reasoning 174
6.4.3 The CBR Process 175
6.4.4 Example-based Machine Translation 177
6.5 Robotics 180
6.5.1 Components of Robot 180
6.5.2 Control System 184
6.5.3 Environmental Interaction and Navigation 185
6.5.4 Top 10 Humanoid Robots 187
6.6 Computer Vision 192
6.6.1 Brief Introduction 192
6.6.2 Tasks of Computer Vision 194
6.6.3 An Example — Facial Recognition System 196
6.7 Existential Risk from Artificial General Intelligence 198
6.7.1 Overview 198
6.7.2 Risk Scenarios 199
6.7.3 Different Reactions on the Thesis 203
6.8 Key Terms and Review Questions 204
References 208
Chapter 7 Computer Graphics and Visualization 210
7.1 Computer Graphics 210
7.1.1 What Is Computer Graphics 210
7.1.2 Types of Graphics 211
7.1.3 Techniques Used in CG 214
7.1.4 Computer-aided Design 217
7.1.5 3D Modeling 219
7.2 Virtual Reality 221
7.2.1 What Is Virtual Reality? 222
7.2.2 Types of Virtual Reality 223
7.2.3 Equipment Used in Virtual Reality 225
7.2.4 Applications of Virtual Reality 227
7.2.5 Pros and Cons of Virtual Reality 228
7.3 Data Visualization 229
7.3.1 Characteristics of Effective Graphical Displays 230
7.3.2 Quantitative Messages 230
7.3.3 Visual Perception and Data Visualization 231
7.3.4 Examples of Diagrams Used for Data Visualization 232
7.4 Key Terms and Review Questions 237
References 240
Chapter 8 Human-Computer Interaction 241
8.1 Human-Computer Interaction 241
8.1.1 History of HCI 241
8.1.2 From Cabal to Community 242
8.1.3 Beyond the Desktop 243
8.1.4 The Task-artifact Cycle 245
8.1.5 A Caldron of Theory 246
8.1.6 Implications of HCI for Science, Practice, and Epistemology 247
8.2 User Interface Design Adaptation 248
8.2.1 Introduction 248
8.2.2 User Interface/Task/Platform Relations 251
8.2.3 Authoring Multi-Device Interactive Applications 251
8.2.4 Adaptation Rules 252
8.2.5 Model-based UI Design in Multi-Device Contexts 254
8.2.6 Vocal Interfaces 256
8.2.7 Multimodal User Interfaces 256
8.3 HRI 258
8.3.1 Introduction of HRI 258
8.3.2 HRI — About (not) Romanticizing Robots 260
8.3.3 HRI — There Is No Such Thing as “Natural Interaction” 261
8.3.4 HRI — There Is a Place For Non-humanoid Robots 263
8.4 Key Terms and Review Questions 265
References 267
Chapter 9 Computer Security 269
9.1 Computer Security Issues 269
9.1.1 Basic Security Concepts 269
9.1.2 Threats and Attacks 271
9.1.3 A Model for Network Security 275
9.2 Security Countermeasure 277
9.3 Cryptography 282
9.3.1 Basic Concepts 283
9.3.2 History of Cryptography 283
9.3.3 Modern Cryptography 287
9.4 Top 10 Cyber-security Issues in 2016 290
9.5 Cyberwar 292
9.5.1 A Cybersecurity Wargame Scenario 292
9.5.2 The First Casualty of Cyberwar Is The Web 293
9.5.3 Building Digital Armies 294
9.5.4 How Cyber Weapons Work 296
9.5.5 When Is a Cyberwar Not a Cyberwar? 297
9.5.6 The Targets in Cyberwar 298
9.5.7 Cyberwar: Coming to a Living Room Near You? 298
9.6 Key Terms and Review Questions 299
References 303
Chapter 10 Latest Progresses in Computer Science 304
10.1 Quantum Information Science 304
10.1.1 Quantum Computing 304
10.1.2 Quantum Cryptography 308
10.2 Deep Learning 311
10.2.1 Introduction 311
10.2.2 Historical Trends in Deep Learning 315
10.3 Cloud Computing 319
10.3.1 The Vision of Cloud Computing 320
10.3.2 Defining a Cloud 322
10.3.3 A Closer Look 323
10.3.4 The Cloud Computing Reference Model 325
10.4 Big Data 326
10.4.1 Let the Data Speak 326
10.4.2 Definition and Characteristic of Big Data 329
10.4.3 Value of Big Data 330
10.4.4 Risk of Big Data 332
10.5 Key Terms and Review Questions 333
References 337
Operating System
3.1 Definition and Function
  When you turn on your computer, it¨s nice to think that you¨re in control. There¨s the trusty computer mouse, which you can move anywhere on the screen, summoning up your music library or Internet browser at the slightest whim. Although it¨s easy to feel like a director in front of your desktop or laptop, there¨s a lot going on inside, and the real man behind the curtain handling the necessary tasks is the operating system.
3.1.1 What is Operating System?
  The operating system (OS) is the most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs and applications. Computer operating systems perform basic tasks (see Fig.3-1), such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as printers. In short, an operating system enables user interaction with computer systems by acting as an interface between users or application programs and the computer hardware.

Fig.3-1 Basic tasks of operating system
  Most desktop or laptop PCs come pre-loaded with Microsoft Windows. Macintosh computers come pre-loaded with Mac OS X. Many corporate servers use the Linux or UNIX operating systems. The operating system (OS) is the first thing loaded onto the computer ! without the operating system, a computer is useless.
  More recently, operating systems have started to pop up in smaller computers as well. If you like to tinker with electronic devices, you¨re probably pleased that operating systems can now be found on many of the devices we use every day, from cell phones to wireless access points. The computers used in these little devices have gotten so powerful that they can now actually run an operating system and applications. The computer in a typical modern cell phone is now more powerful than a desktop computer from 20 years ago, so this progression makes sense and is a natural development.
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