普通化学(英汉双语版) - 中国高校教材图书网
书名: |
ISBN: | 9787301345795 |
条码: | 9787301345795 |
作者: |
杨娟 编著
装订: | 0 |
印次: | 1-1 |
开本: | 16开 |
定价: |
字数: |
出版社: |
北京大学出版社 |
页数: |
发行编号: | |
每包册数: |
出版日期: |
2024-03-01 |
内容简介: |
本书内容除涵盖大学普通化学内容的各项知识点外,还适当引入了一些化学前沿内容,有助于学生逐步适应英文化学教材的阅读和学习,并力求推动研究型人才的培养。全书彩色印刷,图片精美,以中英文页对照的形式呈现。本书以科学方法论为主线贯穿始终,具体内容分为如下九章:第1章 绪论;第2章 气体、液体、固体和溶液;第3章 化学热力学与化学平衡;第4章 化学动力学;第5章 酸碱电离平衡与沉淀溶解平衡;第6章 氧化还原平衡与电化学;第7章 原子结构;第8章 分子结构与晶体结构;第9章 配位解离平衡与配合物;附录。 本书可作为高等院校化学等专业本科一年级学生普通化学课程中英文双语教材。
作者简介: |
杨娟 ---------------------------- 杨娟,北京大学化学与分子工程学院副教授,博士生导师。2001年本科毕业于北京大学,2006年博士毕业于德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A&M University),2009年入职北京大学化学与分子工程学院。2014年起教授普通化学双语课,获评2020年首批国家 级一流本科课程(1/1)。2023年担任教育部“101计划”化学学科普通化学课程及教材建设牵头专家。获北京大学化学院最受本科生喜爱的课程奖(2018年)、北京高校教学论文二等奖(1/1,2017年)、北京大学教学优秀奖(2015和2018年)、北京大学教学成果奖(2012和2017年)等多项荣誉和奖励。
章节目录: |
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
1.1 Science and Scientific Methods 4
1.2 Chemistry and Research 8
Chapter 2 Gases, Liquids, Solids, and Solutions 10
2.1 Simple Gas Laws and Ideal Gas Equation 12
2.2 Mixtures of Gases 16
2.3 Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases 20
2.4 Distribution of Molecular Speeds 26
2.5 Real Gases and van der Waals Equation 32
2.6 Properties of Liquids and Solids 36
2.7 Phase Transition and Phase Diagram 46
2.8 Properties of Solutions 52
Chapter 3 Thermochemistry and Chemical Equilibria 60
3.1 Some Terminologies in Thermochemistry 62
3.2 The First Law of Thermodynamics 68
3.3 Heats of Reaction and Enthalpy Change 74
3.4 Hess? Law and Standard Enthalpies of Formation 84
3.5 Spontaneity and the Concept of Entropy 90
3.6 Criteria for Spontaneous Change 102
3.7 Dynamic Equilibrium and the Equilibrium Constants 108
3.8 The Reaction Quotient and Le Ch?elier? Principle 112
3.9 Gibbs Free Energy Change and Equilibrium 114
Chapter 4 Chemical Kinetics 124
4.1 The Rate of a Chemical Reaction 126
4.2 Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rates: The Rate Laws 128
4.3 Order of Reaction 132
4.4 The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rates 138
4.5 Theoretical Models of Chemical Kinetics 140
4.6 Reaction Mechanisms 150
4.7 Catalysis and Catalytic Chemistry 156
Chapter 5 Acid-Base Equilibria and Precipitation-Dissolution Equilibria 166
5.1 Theory of Acids and Bases 168
5.2 Self-Ionization of Water and the pH Scale 174
5.3 Ionization Equilibria of Acids and Bases 178
5.4 Common-Ion Effect and Buffer Solutions 186
5.5 Acid-Base Indicators and Titration 190
5.6 Solubility Product Constant and Its Relationship with Solubility 194
5.7 Criteria for Precipitation and Its Completeness 198
5.8 Dissolution and Transformation of Precipitates 200
5.9 Fractional Precipitation 204
Chapter 6 Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry 212
6.1 Some Terminologies in Redox Reactions 214
6.2 Electrode Potentials and Cell Potential 216
6.3 Standard Electrode Potentials and Standard Cell Potential 220
6.4 Relationship between el, G? and Redox Equilibrium Constant K 224
6.5 Potential Diagrams 226
6.6 Nernst Equation and Concentration Cells 230
6.7 Electrolytic Cells and Overpotential 234
6.8 Battery and Its Applications 238
Chapter 7 Atomic Structure 248
7.1 The Nuclear Atom 250
7.2 Quantum Theory 256
7.3 Atomic Spectra and Bohr Theory 266
7.4 The Nature of Microscopic Particles 274
7.5 Quantum Mechanical Model of Hydrogen-Like Species 280
7.6 Quantum Mechanical Results of Hydrogen-Like Species 290
7.7 Multielectron Species and Electron Configurations 306
7.8 The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table 314
7.9 Periodic Properties of the Elements 316
Chapter 8 Molecular Structure and Crystal Structure 332
8.1 Lewis Theory 334
8.2 Shape of Molecules 338
8.3 Polarity of Molecules 342
8.4 Valence-Bond Theory 346
8.5 Molecular Orbital Theory 358
8.6 Bonding in Metals and Band Theory 368
8.7 Intermolecular Forces 374
8.8 Crystal Structure 378
8.9 Various Types of Crystals and Their Structures 386
Chapter 9 Complex-Ion Equilibria and Coordination Compounds 400
9.1 Basic Concepts in Coordination Compound 402
9.2 Isomerism 406
9.3 Crystal Field Theory 414
9.4 Properties of Coordination Compounds 420
9.5 Complex-Ion Equilibria 424
9.6 Applications of Coordination Chemistry 430
Appendix 438
Appendix A Names of Chemical Compounds 440
Appendix B Table of Mathematical and Physical Constants 450
Appendix C Tables of Chemical Data 451
及1嫗 偖胎 3
1.1 親僥嚥親僥圭隈 5
1.2 晒僥嚥親冩 9
及2嫗 賑悶、匣悶、耕悶才卑匣 11
2.1 酒汽賑悶協舵嚥尖?賑悶彜蓑圭殻 13
2.2 詞栽賑悶 17
2.3 賑悶蛍徨塰強胎 21
2.4 賑悶蛍徨議堀楕蛍下 27
2.5 糞縞賑悶嚥袈蟻鯖圭殻 33
2.6 匣悶才耕悶議來嵎 37
2.7 ?延嚥?夕 47
2.8 卑匣議來嵎 53
及3嫗 晒僥犯薦僥嚥晒僥峠財 61
3.1 晒僥犯薦僥議匯乂宝囂 63
3.2 犯薦僥及匯協舵 69
3.3 郡哘犯嚥貶延 75
3.4 固帽協舵嚥炎彈伏撹貶 85
3.5 徭窟來嚥贍議古廷 91
3.6 徭窟延晒議登象 103
3.7 強蓑峠財嚥峠財械方 107
3.8 郡哘斌嚥責歪蒙双圻尖 111
3.9 耳下帽徭喇嬬延嚥峠財 115
及4嫗 晒僥強薦僥 125
4.1 晒僥郡哘堀楕 127
4.2 敵業斤郡哘堀楕議唹??堀楕圭殻 129
4.3 郡哘雫方 133
4.4 梁業斤郡哘堀楕議唹? 139
4.5 晒僥強薦僥尖胎庁侏 141
4.6 郡哘字尖 151
4.7 岸晒恬喘嚥岸晒晒僥 157
及5嫗 磨珠窮宣峠財嚥柿牛卑盾峠財 167
5.1 磨珠尖胎 169
5.2 邦議徭骼窮宣嚥pH 175
5.3 磨珠窮宣峠財 179
5.4 揖宣徨丼哘嚥産喝卑匣 187
5.5 磨珠峺幣質嚥磨珠砧協 191
5.6 卑業持械方式凪嚥卑盾業議購狼 195
5.7 柿牛伏撹嚥柿牛頼畠議登象 197
5.8 柿牛議卑盾嚥廬晒 199
5.9 蛍化柿牛 203
及6嫗 剳晒珊圻郡哘嚥窮晒僥 213
6.1 剳晒珊圻郡哘議匯乂宝囂 215
6.2 窮自窮米嚥窮学窮強米 217
6.3 炎彈窮自窮米嚥炎彈窮学窮強米 221
6.4 E学、G嚥剳晒珊圻峠財械方K議購狼 223
6.5 圷殆窮米夕 227
6.6 嬬帽蒙圭殻嚥敵餓窮学 231
6.7 窮盾学嚥階窮米 235
6.8 窮学式凪哘喘 239
及7嫗 圻徨潤更 249
7.1 宰侏圻徨 251
7.2 楚徨尖胎 257
7.3 圻徨高惇嚥横櫛尖胎 267
7.4 裏鉱腺徨議蒙來 275
7.5 窃狽麗嶽議楚徨薦僥庁侏 281
7.6 窃狽麗嶽議楚徨薦僥潤胎 291
7.7 謹窮徨麗嶽嚥窮徨怏蓑 307
7.8 圷殆巓豚舵嚥圷殆巓豚燕 313
7.9 圷殆來嵎議巓豚來 317
及8嫗 蛍徨潤更嚥唱悶潤更 333
8.1 揃叟帽尖胎 335
8.2 蛍徨議侘彜 339
8.3 蛍徨議自來 341
8.4 勺囚尖胎 347
8.5 蛍徨轟祇尖胎 359
8.6 署奉囚嚥嬬揮尖胎 369
8.7 蛍徨寂恬喘薦 375
8.8 唱悶潤更 379
8.9 光嶽唱悶窃侏式凪潤更 385
及9嫗 塘了盾宣峠財嚥塘栽麗 401
9.1 塘栽麗議児云古廷 403
9.2 呟更?? 407
9.3 唱悶魁尖胎 415
9.4 塘栽麗議來嵎 421
9.5 塘了盾宣峠財 425
9.6 塘了晒僥議哘喘 433
現村 439
現村A 晒栽麗議凋兆 441
現村B 方尖械方燕 450
現村C 晒僥方象燕 451
精彩片段: |
书 评: |
四色印刷,英汉双语对照排版 教育部“101计划”化学学科普通化学课程及教材牵头专家编写 北京大学化学学院周公度、王颖霞等教授审稿
其 它: |